Saturday, October 14, 2006


Like sands through the hourglass so were the days of my TEFL course. After our last day on Tuesday a bunch of the group went out to celebrate at a little Cuban lounge in the heart of Cusco. Good ole´ Bob (the guy sitting in the back with the beard) was kind enough to buy me some papaya juice smoothies while most everyone else had wine. It was really good juice. We played Jenga (as you can see in the picture... and for you Hungarian speakers: Gyenge?) and after my friend Mark from England had few drinks in him he poured a little bit of salt on the glass table and challenged me to a country-making contest with the salt.

I made the USA and he made England.
(notice the Isle of Man and the Isle of Wight... and apparently the Hebrides made out of pepper)
(also notice the Great Salt Lake)

I then went a step further and made the continent of South America out of salt and each country out of pepper. I was tired.

On the way home we stopped by the famous 12-Sided Inca stone and I got a picture.

I began teaching classes the next day. My schedule is the following (all classes are 1 hour):

8AM - Intermediate II (2 students)

3pm - Basic II (about 7 students)
4pm - Pre-Intermediate Children (5 students)
5pm - break
6pm - Pre-Intermediate I (13 students)
7pm - Pre-Intermediate I (about 8 students)
8pm - Intermediate II (3 students)

So my days are pretty busy. After my 8AM class I head over to the LDS church nearby to practice the piano. The CES director is there and has been kind enough to let me in to play. I also have 1-hour Spanish classes but we haven´t set a consistent time to meet yet.

I have the week of the 21st off work because in one week I am leaving for Bolivia for the weekend to renew my visa. I get back on Monday and then Tuesday I leave for my four-day trek on the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. It should be fun.

5 Deep thoughts:

Nathan Winder October 14, 2006 6:12 PM  

Nate is great.

Anonymous October 15, 2006 4:06 AM  

I laughed when I saw you with Barney. I went to my aunt's friend's cabin. I miss you! When will you come back?

Anonymous October 15, 2006 4:15 AM  

Hi Nate! Johnny was superdeduperde jealous of Barney. I would eat guinea pigs, but Jessica wouldn't. I would just pretend I was a dinosaur. I miss you.

Anonymous October 17, 2006 8:37 AM  

I'm impressed you can make maps out of salt and pepper! I love reading your blog! Keep up the great discourses and pictures!

Pixletwin October 17, 2006 7:49 PM  

Nate you are a big jerky dork of a whatever.

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