Thursday, October 19, 2006

In Cusco it seems every day there is some sort of procession, parade, ceremony, funeral, protest or demonstration. On Sunday evening Alana and I were walking in the main square and happened upon the ceremonial retiring of the Peruvian colors. The military police marched and goose-stepped around the Peruvian flag until they lowered it and folded it up. The municipal police then marched their way to the Cusquenian flag and lowered it with similar pomp. It was fun.

One day while walking home from school I happened upon this scene in front of the courthouse. It was a protest of some kind. You can see the riot police standing guard. Outside of the protest area life went on as usual with street vendors selling and the harmonica beggar playing away.

....that same walk home also yielded this parade on the very street where I live. I don´t know why but there it was with little kids dancing in uniform. It was cute.

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